Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey Now Buys $10K Of BTC A Week

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey Now Buys $10K Of BTC A Week

Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO stated on a recent podcast that he is maxing out the limits on the Square Cash App and purchasing $10,000 dollars of Bitcoin a week.

If the Twitter CEO wants to buy more Bitcoin, we suggest he turn to Coinbase. Buy and sell limits are much higher.

On Coinbase regular users can purchase $25,000 a week. Verified users can purchase $25,000 a day. But once the funds are in your Coinbase wallet, there are no buy or sell limits.

What Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO is likely doing is simply a dollar cost average strategy. Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy where a large purchase of a financial asset like an equity or cryptocurrency is spread out over time with the goal of reducing the impact of volatility.


“In a surprising turn in the conversation, he explained that he purchased $10,000 worth of Bitcoin, which currently amounts to 2.7 BTC, over recent weeks, and could do the same again in the following. Doing some napkin math, this works out to around $520,000 in cryptocurrency purchases a year (considering he doesn’t go over that amount or purchase any other digital assets) — or about 0.0928% of his $5.6 billion net worth. Although this isn’t a relatively large amount percentage-wise, it shows that Dorsey is looking to accumulate for the long haul, as he dollar-cost averages in.”

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey Discusses Bitcoin On The Joe Rogan Podcast:

Are you ready for the next crypto bull run? Many investors are using strategies like dollar cost averaging to build a diversified portfolio in preparation for the next major price movement. Stay tuned to the Bitcoinshirtz blog for the latest news from the Bitcoin and blockchain industry. 👍

What Is Money And Where Does It Come From

What Is Money And Where Does It Come From

Have you ever wondered how money is created, or even what is money?

Some people such as economist point out the differences between money and currency. But for the average person, they are the same.

There are many forms of money. Gold and silver have been considered money for most of human history. But over the last 100 years we have seen a rise in fiat currencies. These currencies begin as worthless paper and governments dictate the value. People must agree to it’s value and use it as a means of exchange.

Cryptocurrencies and money built with blockchain technology will consume the next phase of money. People want control of their assets and they don’t want governments printing more money at random and inflating their currency.

Good money tends to have attributes like wide acceptance, being fungible, being divisible, good at holding value, and easily transportable.

Check out this episode of the True Liberty Podcast.

Watch to learn about money, Bitcoin, fiat notes, and modern systems of central banking (and why decentralized banking is the future)

About The True Liberty Podcast


The world today is broken. There is poverty, suffering, violence, and enslavement. These conditions are not the proper state of the world, nor are they necessary. This world is a reflection of the people within it; people who do not understand Truth, people who are not Free.


An answer without a question is a solution without a problem. The world is full of people arguing about answers, but not understanding the questions. One cannot be Free without knowing the Truth, and one cannot learn the Truth without asking questions. One cannot ask questions when one believes he already knows the answer.


A better world is possible. A world of Free people, people who seek the Truth. This is the world we wish to create; this is the world in which we want to live. We know it is possible, but we cannot build it alone, for as one suffers, all suffer. By asking questions, and inviting others to ask them with us, together we will learn the Truth, and the Truth will set us Free.


The Co-Founders of True Liberty are Adam Ernest, Nathan Hourt, and Will Long. Read their stories on the True Liberty Blog.