How To Register Your EOS Tokens In The Exodus Bitcoin Wallet

How To Register Your EOS Tokens In The Exodus Bitcoin Wallet

We are big fans of Exodus and we know many of our readers are as well. We have secured information on how to register your EOS for when the blockchain launches on June 1st, 2018.

Right now, all EOS Tokens are actually ERC20 Ethereum tokens and they will need to be registered for claiming the future EOS Blockchain Tokens. This process is quite simple using MyEtherWallet.

The registration process needs to be done only once. Any additional EOS sent to your wallet after the registration will automatically be registered.

The information in this post (both text and images) comes directly from Exodus Support:

Step 1

1. Export your ETH private key using the Developer Menu. Here’s how you open the Developer Menu:



Step 2

Go to MyEtherWallet dot com and select “Send Ether & Tokens” then click “Private Key” to access your wallet. Paste in your Exodus Ethereum Private Key and click “Unlock”


Step 3

Once unlocked you will be able to see your EOS tokens in the token box on the right sidebar.

Note: you will need at least 0.01 ETH in your wallet to complete the registration process


Step 4

Go to and create your EOS Public and Private Key.

Note: Save these keys for future use



Step 5

Return to MyEtherWallet and select  “Contracts” from the menu then click on  “Select a contract” and choose  “EOS – Contribution.” Click  “Access” this will prefill the EOS contract address.



Step 6

Scroll down the page and click  “Select a Function” then choose  “Register” from the menu.


Step 7

Paste in your EOS public key, then in the next field “How would you like to access your wallet?” choose “Private Key” and paste in your Exodus ETH Private key, click unlock and then select “Write.”


Step 8

In the pop-up window “Amount to Send” should be 0 and “Gas Limit” should auto-populate. Then click “Generate Transaction” and select “Yes, I’m sure.”


Your EOS Tokens Are Now Registered! 👍

How to verify the token registration:

Select “Contracts” from the menu then click on “Select contract” and choose “EOS – Contribution” then scroll down the page and click “Select a Function” then choose “Keys” from the menu.

Paste in your Exodus ETH public key ( Exodus Receive Address) and click  “Read.” You will then see your EOS public key in the -string- attached to your ETH public key.


Why EOS?

EOS will be the most powerful infrastructure for decentralized applications. Watch these videos to learn more: