Exodus Wallet Now Fully Connected To The EOS Mainnet

Exodus Wallet Now Fully Connected To The EOS Mainnet

On October 25th of this year, the Exodus team released version 1.63.0 which includes full support for the EOS Mainnet!

We have been waiting for this update since the EOS blockchain launched in June 2018. EOS assets on the Ethereum blockchain (from the ICO) were frozen at the time of the EOS Mainnet launch. Exodus has been diligently working on a solution for users who hold EOS tokens within their Exodus wallet.

Download Exodus 1.63.0 


From Exodus.io:


You can now send and receive EOS mainnet. To add EOS mainnet to your portfolio visit the Settings section then click Assets.

EOS now has an Advanced button inside the wallet to view RAM, CPU and NET along with other details like staking for your EOS wallet.

EOS wallet has a built-in automatic filter to remove 0 value SPAM transactions with marketing messages on the EOS blockchain.

Fixed outgoing Stellar (XLM) transactions to immediately show up in the account history with no delay.


New users of EOS mainnet can now exchange any asset to EOS and Exodus will automatically handle all the advanced account setup for you and create your first EOS account.

EOS mainnet has been added to the exchange. You can now exchange any Exodus asset for EOS mainnet to further diversify your portfolio.


If you are holding EOS on an exchange Exodus can now help you create an EOS account by using the advanced developer menu.

Export safe report button has been fixed in the help section.


John Oliver Covers Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies On Last Week Tonight

John Oliver Covers Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies On Last Week Tonight

John Oliver is an English comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor and television host. He is most known for is work on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and now he is making a name for himself on his very own show on HBO called Last Week Tonight.

Quite recently he released an entire episode covering Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Oliver does a great job aggregating information to explain Bitcoin:

“I’m a virtual currency, worldwide, that you can send for little to no fees, open source, not controlled by any government, corporation or individual. It’s financial freedom BRO!”

He even brought on Don Tapscott, author of Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World, who spoke on the security of blockchain technology:

“A blockchain is a very highly processed thing like a chicken mcnugget and if you wanted to hack it it would be like turning a chicken mcnugget back into a chicken. Now someday someone will be able to do that but for now it’s going to be tough.”

We commend John Oliver for covering Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, which we believe are the future of finance and data recording.

For much of the episode Oliver focuses on responsibility when investing in cryptocurrencies telling viewers to not invest any more than they could afford to lose, which is a pretty standard phrase in any financial market. But still good advice.

John Oliver also hones in on the EOS project, which he clearly does not understand. He reads off the initial coin offering numbers scoffing at how much value the EOS team has raised. Oliver also doesn’t understand Block.one’s obscure mission statement and relationship to the EOS blockchain. Launching a cryptocurrency that competes against state created fiat currencies is highly illegal according to governments. Block.one does not want to be held directly responsible for the launch of the decentralized network. If governments could find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is, you had better believe they would kill him.

Watch the episode below:

Dear John Oliver – By eosio On Medium

Block.one’s CTO Daniel Larimer has previously built and deployed two of the most used (and “usable”) decentralized applications to date. Having originally worked on the development of Bitcoin and feeling it would not adequately perform, Dan developed a scalable high performance Blockchain architecture, now widely known as Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS); today DPOS processes the majority of all blockchain transactions globally.

EOSIO is designed to leverage DPOS and familiar scripting languages to enable developers and businesses to more easily take advantage of high performance blockchain capabilities, and deploy open source community driven business models.

Block.one believes Blockchain technologies have the potential to become the next mainstream infrastructure for communication and commerce, and can introduce new freedoms while streamlining compliance and universal interoperability. The company is committed to the technological and regulatory innovation required to push forward on common ground for developers, users, businesses, and regulatory agencies around the world.

Block.one and community contributors make continual progress on the development of the EOSIO platform that can be viewed on the EOSIO Github, a fully transparent hub where the real time progress of feature creation through to completion can be viewed and contributed to.

They then discussed Brock Pierce, who is now moving on to independent community building and investment activities. In short the Block.one crew has no hard feelings and is thankful for his contributions.

They went on to say:

As a growing company building value through an open source community as opposed to traditional avenues of proprietary software ownership, we are conscious of the importance of robust corporate communications. We take professional standards seriously and are always focused on raising the bar as our company transitions from startup to aggressive growth. We value acknowledgment of room for continued improvement and remain confident in our mission to further the impact of Blockchain as a foundational technology.

Thanks again for the entertaining reminder to stay informed when it comes to new industries, concepts, and people.

Your fans at Block.one

P.S. If you’re interested in blockchain based Beanie Babies, we recommend exploring #Cryptokitties

How Profitable Is Bitcoin Mining in 2017?

How Profitable Is Bitcoin Mining in 2017?

Bitcoin mining is how new bitcoins are made. The official term for mining is called proof of work consensus. 

With fiat money like dollars, the government decides when to print the money and who gets it. With Bitcoin there is no central bank or authority. The system is decentralized. 

The Bitcoin network rewards miners for approving transactions. A transaction can only be approved once a miner has dedicated enough computational power or effort to the block. Bitcoins are created when a new block is added to the blockchain (public ledger). In this manner the currency has real underlying value as it costs energy in the form of electricity and computer power (running math problems) to be created.


Bitcoin Mining: Go Big Or Go Home

Bitcoin mining was once a thing that could be done by anyone with a little extra computer power. Now economies of scale has taken effect. That is to say that the bigger the mining operation, the more profits gained. This has led to large centralized mining operations.

Miners now prefer locations where energy is cheap. There are huge mining operations in China and Iceland due to cheaper electricity costs. Another factor is heat. Due to the computer power needed to compensate for the exponential rise of computation difficulty, the mining rigs need to be cooled constantly. This leads to mining in locations that are already cold.

Video Resource:

Bitcoin Mining in 2017 : The Rise of Bitcoin Cloud Mining

So how does a regular Joe start mining in 2017? One of the options is to join a cloud mining operation.

A mining pool is an operation where many people get together and combine their mining rigs or hash power (mining power in layman’s terms). This allows them to compete with the large mining companies.

Cloud mining is slightly different in that customers purchase a share in the ongoing mining operation, rather than bring their own equipment.

Mining pools and cloud mining can be profitable. They can also be unprofitable. It depends on the mining difficulty, hashrate, and current price.

Some mining websites are scams, so watch out.

The best way to mine in 2017 is to mine smaller alt coins. There are plenty of other cryptocurrencies that can be mined and have the ability to rise in price significantly. Back in the day you could have mined ridiculous amounts of Bitcoin that would be worth millions today. You can still do that with another budding cryptocurrency.

Other Crypto coins you can mine besides Bitcoin:

  • Dash
  • Ether
  • Monero
  • Zcash
  • Litecoin

A Reputable Cloud Mining Company:

Cloud mining is the route many individuals are taking in the mining industry.

Genesis mining now has over 500,000 people on board, making it one of the world’s biggest hashpower providers.

It’s super simple. The mining rigs are already set up and running. As soon as an account is set up, you can start to earn your first coins.

If you have done your research and want to jump in the cloud mining game, Genesis is the way to go. 

With Genesis, you can choose your mining allocation at any time. Divert hashing power to Ethereum mining, Dash mining, Zcash mining, and more.

Get 3% Off a Genesis Mining Contract

Use our coupon to receive 3% off:



Coinbase Will Support More Cryptocurrencies In 2017

Coinbase Will Support More Cryptocurrencies In 2017

It has been announced. The US based Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange, Coinbase will support more cryptocurrencies in 2017!

Co-founder and CEO at Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, announced the news in a recent blog post:

“As we kick off 2017, I think it’s important for Coinbase and GDAX to continue supporting more crypto currencies. We are no longer just a Bitcoin company. We are a digital currency company.”

coinbase image

He went on.

“It’s incredibly difficult to predict the future and the digital currency industry is no exception…Rapid change seems to be the only certainty. For this reason, you’ll see Coinbase and GDAX continue to support more crypto-currencies in 2017. As the most popular retail exchange (Coinbase) and institutional exchange in the U.S. (GDAX), we want to make it easy for people to use all types of digital currencies.”


“I think an open payment network is where the greatest potential lies for digital currency to improve the world (hence our mission at Coinbase: to create an open financial system for the world). But I’ve come to accept that Bitcoin may not fill this role, and that is ok. It is still a very valuable technology in the world as an asset class, and that is perfectly fine”


Our goal going forward is to not play favorites, or support one digital currency more than any other, but simply to make it easy for customers to buy and sell whatever digital currencies they want. In this way, we can help support growth of the entire digital currency industry”

It is clear that the crypto industry is still in it’s infancy. And it is good that the people at Coinbase realize this.

Bitcoin is not the end all be all. Ethereum is shaping up to be a competitor, but the market will bring many more blockchain based currencies to fruition. Coinbase is prepping to provide more value to a larger number of people. We commend them for this.

Multi-chain Wallet Convenience.

Coinbase is one of the few wallet providers that let’s you store more than one cryptocurrency.

Currently coinbase offers features for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. You can buy sell, trade, or hold these digital assets on Coinbase.

The cryptocurrency that Coinbase will support is. .

to be announced sometime soon.

We will have a blog post ready when the news is released.

At BitcoinShirtz, we would like to see support for:

  • Steem
  • Dash
  • Monero
  • BitShares

Start Using Bitcoin With Coinbase Today!